Thursday, August 21, 2008

More GOP Lies!

Just a LIE!
Currently, the United States consumes 19.6 million barrels per day, of oil, which is more than 25% of the world's total; the US oil production for 2000 is expected to average 5.8 million barrels per day of crude oil. The production for 1999 was 5.9 million barrels per day.
This is simply a lie that the Republican leadership claiming they are going to take on the renewable energy task, while they are owned outright by Exxon and Shell. The fact that they are screaming that offshore drilling will have any impact on supply or price tells the whole story. The facts just do not support their claims and are simply LIES. The total oil offshore California would amount to 1 week worth of supply, that offers nothing!
How can the American people even listen to John McCain, who after becoming the GOP candidate had to start to lying to the American people just like all the other GOP presidents before, and now their entire party have joined the chorus. The GOP has been completely consumed by the most corrupt industry since slavery and tobacco? The American people should demand hearings on this industries practice with regards to influence peddling, collusion and obstruction with automakers, their sabotage of alternative fuels for the past 40 years, and the list goes on and on.
You don’t have to go back very far to bear witness to what gets done concerning alternate fuels by the party that has been taking orders from by Big Oil. George Bush, Ronald Reagan, Bush Sr. all made claims they would work in America’s interest concerning alternate fuels. The problem with every president mentioned was their interests are only in sync with the special interest that controls the GOP, oil. The truth is Big Oil may own the GOP outright, but they also have a large portion of the Democratic Party too! This makes getting alternatives even more difficult.

Just ask WHY! Why aren’t there any hydrogen cars or stations, why were the electric cars seized and destroyed, why isn’t there any ethanol fueling stations? The oil industry and their pressure on auto manufacturers have sabotaged an entire industry, while influence peddling in Washington and the GOP has protected them from consumers groups that have been fighting these very people who are now screaming DRILL, DRILL, DRILL, for years. Like this whole problem is new to them! What absolute Liars and the main stream media Knows it! (Google, who killed the electric car)
This is a complicated problem by itself, but this industry has complicated the issue by distorting the market through limiting production and intimidating alternatives, every time we start to talk about alternatives they start screaming DRILL, like now. The Oil corporations threaten countries like Ecuador, when natives bring lawsuits because of their land being destroyed; besides the fact they got this administration to go to war with Saddam to stop his oil contracts with France and China. Now these Sob’s are getting no bid contracts with Iraq. There is no end to their willingness to cause destruction, destroy lives, and whole countries, like ours!